Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Whatup tumble? I snackbeat the day with very little bumble or scrumble. I had a few bites of chocolate croissant and some coffee with a tiny bit of coconut syrup and half and half. I also ate some prime rib for dinner . I think I did pretty well overall though, esp since I worked out. The meat was actually my worst binge. Nonetheless the night is young and I am enjoying a post dinner handisnack, which I feel will not quite satisfy...maybe one more. They are only 100 scrumbles right? Hmm. Why must I eat at night? I don't know. Iguess they say your body just gets used to certain rythyms. You're supposed to be able to train it to not be hungry if you can resist for a few nights. I think I'll wean in this case. So how'd it go? I forgot to call you when I was eating my celery. Don't let Kevin get the best of our plans...

Tentative Snack Plan for Tomorrow:
Feeling Saucy: 3 quarters of waffle from freezer w/assorted frozen fruit and 2 morning star sausage links---this actually has same cals about as our breakfast this morning

Ak Mak with Cream Cheese
Banana with Peanut Butter
Celery or pom seeds

Lunch and Dinner: TBA (lean cuisine, soup, u know...)

Gotta sleep. Grumble

Monday, December 11, 2006